The story so far

Little Stars
Child Education Sponsorship Project
We believe that the cycle of poverty which is prevalent in so many areas of the world can ultimately only be alleviated through education and that a Childs life can be transformed by equipping them with the knowledge necessary to enable them to live a full and productive life.
With this aim New Mind International Ministries have founded the ‘Little Stars’ sponsorship scheme to enable those children within the communities in Uganda in which we work to be able to attend school.
We are currently focusing on the Kiti village area in Wakiso district where our Ugandan base is located. Kiti village is a poor community with a high unemployment rate with many families living below the universally recognised poverty line and, as a consequence, there are many children who cannot attend school as their families cannot afford the fees.
Sarahs Story
‘Sarah’ was left orphaned when her father was killed in a farming accident in 2017, she and her siblings went to live with her elderly grandparents who care for a total of 12 children in 2 rooms. Her grandparents do the best they can for the children but are unable to provide money for an education, ‘Sarah’ was sponsored in September 2018 and has thrived in school, she is now a happy outgoing 6 year old who’s life has been transformed through the Little Stars sponsorship project.


Awaiting Sponsorship
Sponsor Testimonials
Sponsors Two Boys
It is a joy to be able to be a small part of their lives. I receive regular updates, letters, photos and very encouraging school reports. All a joy to receive.
Sponsors One Boy
I first saw the picture of a boy having to work to pay for his own school fees. I signed up to sponsor him. The change in him and the hope now in his life is amazing
Sponsors Two Boys, One Girl
The importance of education cannot be underestimated. With sponsorship we know that the children will go to school and learning will impact their futures.
Our undertaking to those who choose to sponsor a child is that 100% of the sponsorship money will go to the child.
Donations are made securely through our PayPal account. If you would prefer an alternative donation method please contact us
We are currently placing the children in Superior Academy School in Kiti and have an agreement with the school that our local representative has access at any time and will be notified if the child is not attending.
If you choose to partner with us by sponsoring a child then we give you our guarantee that we operate this scheme with the utmost integrity and commitment. Together we can change the future for these children and by changing a life we can effect change in our world.
A welcome pack introducing you to your sponsored child and their community
A letter once a year from your child. You can write letters or send messages which we will deliver to them
School reports three times a year on your childs education progress
Christmas cards for you to send for some extra encouragement
The opportunity to send an outfit for your child once a year which we will deliver
A photo of your child each year(in their outfit), with an update on how their life is changing.
Alternative Donation Method?
If you would like to donate via a different method or want more information about the project contact us here